Our leaders can be found at meetings wearing shirts from ThymeLee Designs.



Howdy! I'm Suzanne, a WAHM to two crazy and fun boys. We've always been an active family and babywearing has always helped us to stay connected and keep on moving. I went to my first Sling Babies meeting in December 2007 right before my first son was born. I had a really hard time with my first carrier - a ring sling that just didn't work for me. Through the lending library I was able to explore new and other types of carriers that I wouldn't have known about if it wasn't for this group. I became a leader in early 2010, and have loved helping local parents find that carrier that will help them feel more secure and close to their children. My husband also loved to wear the kids - it gave him time to be close to the boys and still get stuff done around the house. Babywearing is such an amazing tool, and even now as my children are growing up they still love being worn when they are feeling overwhelmed in a crowded place. The closeness, intimacy, and confidence that babywearing has inspired can be seen daily in my children's lives and I will always cherish my days where I wore my babies for many hours at a time.

Hi, I am Nina, a SAHM mom to four wonderful kids. I found Sling Babies in 2007 when my son was four months old and the Baby Bjorn (even with back support) was killing me! Suddenly, babywearing became so much more enjoyable and comfortable! I remember how great it felt to start wearing him on my back in a Mei Tai when he was six months old. After my second child was born I started using wraps and ring slings. Babywearing has been invaluable to me, especially when trying to accomplish any errand or outing. My kids have loved babywearing and the older ones still love the opportunity to go in a carrier as well as carry their own "babies." It has been a pleasure to meet so many new and experienced parents as they try out and learn about all the options available. I am very thankful this group exits in the Capital District.

Hi, I'm Melia. I am a professional volunteer mom to three amazing people. I found Sling Babies when we moved to New York, and I had my 3rd child in 2012. I have worn all of my children in various ways, from a Baby Bjorn to a woven wrap. By the 3rd child, I couldn't imagine a life without baby wearing. It gave me the flexibility to still spend time with my older children at school and care for my youngest. I love helping parents find the carrier that best fits them and their child. They are not one size fits all so I love having the library available so people can find something they like before they buy!

Hi, I am Kelli, a working (out of the house) momma to two sweet and energetic daughters. I started wearing my oldest with a Moby when she was a few months old, which I loved, and later with an Infantino buckle carrier, which was not at all comfortable for us. On the lookout for a more comfortable carrier to use, I discovered the wonderful world of baby carriers. Overwhelmed with all of the options, I stumbled upon SlingBabies and was thankful for the assistance of other local parents, and the option to try on several different carriers before deciding which one to buy. My husband and I ended up using a variety of carriers with our oldest daughter; an Ergo, an Ellaroo Ring Sling and a Bamberoo Mei Tai. We mostly used babywearing as a fun way to keep her close to us, but there were also many situations where babywearing was just much more convenient than a stroller. When we were expecting our second daughter, one of the things I most looked forward to was babywearing right from birth, and now with much more knowledge (and more comfortable carriers) than I had the first time around. In addition to the other carrier types I was already comfortable with, I learned to use woven wraps, which I now find to be the most comfortable for long-term wearing. While babywearing was a fun way to stay close with our first daughter, it became a necessity with our second! It has allowed me to keep up with my oldest, while still being attentive to my youngest. And let’s face it, there’s nowhere a baby wants to be more than snuggled up against one of their parents! I joined SlingBabies shortly after my second daughter was born, and have love being able to help local parents find that right carrier, or combination of carriers, to keep them close with their babies.